Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Noisy Stomach

I went to an internal medicine doctor to check the annoying gurgling sounds of my stomach. I'm also having reflux whenever I eat any kind of chocolates and drink coffee or iced tea. I was on a soup diet for about three weeks now. So I've already cut down my sodas, coffee and tea. Just water. I thought it will help in cleansing my tummy from too much acid. I also trim down my rice to zero. Diet tips says I should eat more veggies to help my digestion. So I did. Veggie soup for breakfast. Veggie salad and fruits for lunch and dinner. And a lot of water. I feel good about this. I felt nothing wrong. Just my tummy's bubbling noise.

It gets annoying and embarrassing when rumbling noises are so loud that my colleagues hears them too. So I decided to see a doctor. All of a sudden, everything I know I was doing right was wrong. I was diagnosed with Non-ulcer Dyspepsia. My doctor said she can't hear my stomach and intestine working. My stomach have too much acid. I have indigestion. So she gave me medicine for one month treatment and lots of lab test (blood, xray, ultrasound). She also gave me a 'What-not-to-eat' list which includes leafy veggies, salad, milk, coffee (any drinks that contains caffeine) and alcohol, chocolates and mint, raw meat or fish (any Japanese food) and shellfish. Now I need to drink 3 liters of water. She advised me to walk 15 mins after eating and not to lie down 2 hours after eating. I also need to elevate my trunk when sleeping so the acid from my stomach won't get to my oesophagus. 1

Sounds like it's not a simple noisy stomach after all, eh?

But thank God, non-ulcer dyspepsia does not lead to cancer or other serious illnesses.


Anonymous said...

so what can you eat then? i have similar stuff happening to me ! i havent been to a doctor but practicly everything i eat makes my stomach noisy even if its in small quantities or eating slow or non acid foods !

Chec said...

I think you still need to see a doctor. The acid in your tummy needs to be addressed. As per my doctor, it would take years to cure or remove all the acid. She also advised me to eat less but frequent. You can eat anything other than green veggies, raw meat, fish and shellfish. No coffee, chocolates and milk (just water), no mint candies, as this triggers grumbling sound and the acid reflux.

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