Monday, September 13, 2021

Trust God with all your heart

Hospital is not the best place to be in right now. But sometimes it's a matter of life and death. I've been having chest pains for a week. My doctor said, based on my lab test results, my chest pain is cardiac in origin. I might be having a heart attack and I need to go to ER to see a Cardiologist. I pannicked. I was scared. Every hospital right now is in full capacity, Covid patients or not. Delta variant is just around. But time is very crucial. 

My husband needs to be with my daughter with special needs. So I called my sister from a distant city at the middle of the night to accompany me to the hospital. But the incoming severe weather made our situation a dire emergency. Typhon Jolina is about to make a landfall anytime soon. And I'm still having chest pains and chills due to panick attack.

I prayed harder to God for protection, guidance and healing. "We need you Lord right now. Please protect us from the virus and the calamity. Only You can protect us, Lord." 

My sister, being the head of their family and the only one doing outside errands, head out at the middle of the night, at the middle of typhoon, risking her safety, to come with me to the hospital. 

At the Emergency department, they have repeated my blood tests. My troponin level is still high, so we were advised to be admitted for further assessment. But due to the hospital's full capacity, we have to wait in line. So while waiting in ER, I had all my blood works redone. Chest Xray. 2d Echo. ECG. Everything is normal except for my troponin level which, according to the doctor, might be caused by a heart damage. They recommended me to undergo a heart MRI or Andiogram procedure to rule out if there's swelling or any blockage in my heart. If any arteries are blocked then I need to undergo Andioplasty. My heartbeat raised as if I am in a marathon. I felt the chest pain again. While the doctor is explaining our options I am having chills. I was scared to death. Am I really having a heart attack? Am I gonna die? Do we have money for the operation? What will happen after the surgery?

I talked to him "Lord, please guide us. Please heal my heart. Please let there be no blockage in my heart. I need you Lord, help me." "But if this is my time, Lord, please take care of my daughter, my husband and my family. Let Your Will be done, Lord. It's all up to you. Please take care of my family." 

I told myself before that I am ready to die. But that very moment I realized how scared I was. I was scared of a heart attack. I was scared of getting covid. I was scared to leave my family behind. So I prayed for another chance to live and be with them. Maybe it's God telling me "Are you sure, you are ready die?"  I humbly say "No, Lord, I'm not. I take it back, Lord. Please give me another chance."

Time was ticking and I needed to decide so that the doctor can proceed with ruling out what's causing my chest pain. So we, my husband, my sister and I, decided to go with the Angiogram procedure to check my heart once and for all. I was scheduled the next day for the procedure. The waiting time in the ER was nerve wracking. The longer we stayed in the ER, the greater exposure we had with Covid. I was glad we were at the Cold Zone of the ER and so far, as per the nurse, there were no Covid cases in the area. But still, the scenario is very scary. In situations like this, ONLY God can protect us from harm or getting Covid. 

After the Angiogram procedure, the doctor gave me the good news. There's no blockage in heart. I was relieved. "Thank you, Lord, for the answered prayer!!! You never failed me! I love you, Jesus! Thank you Mama Mary for praying for me!"

We requested to be discharged from the ER since we are still inline to get a room. And thank God, the doctor allowed us and just prescribed some medicines. I'm also glad that my HMO almost covered my bill so I just paid for my PCR test, which ia negative by the way, and some misc items. Thank you Lord for everything! 

My final diagnosis was Tietze syndrome. I'm not sure if this is related to my Pfizer Covid vaccine or not. The doctors did not confirm that. But I had no other illness or health issues except for the chest pain. Anyways, atleast, all is good now.

In times like this, prayer is our only defense. Trust God with all your heart and He will fight our battle. He will not forsaken us. He will not leave us. This too shall pass. Believe. Claim it. Trust God.


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